Jonathan is typically a very happy and silly 18 year old boy. He is excited to learn how to drive and to gain independent living skills. He enjoys swinging, playing basketball, and being active. Jonathan also enjoys being social but also enjoys having quiet time. He likes to play videogames, specifically his Nintendo DSI, and play with Legos. Jonathan always knows what the weather is and enjoys tracking the weather. Jonathan needs a special family that will support him through his teenage years into adulthood. He is very well supported through his school district help him meet his educational goals. Jonathan is making good strides in his education and independent living skills and is independent in a lot of areas but continues to need guidance and supervision. A family that is willing to work with services as well has an understanding of autism will be best for Jonathan. He also needs a family that will understand loss and grief as he has had a lot happen in his life. Jonathan may require lifelong support and is connected with the area agency. A special family will be blessed by Jonathan in their lives.